Our customers

Colobridge has successfully completed over 1000 projects since 2010, serving hundreds of satisfied clients, partnering with dozens of companies, and delivering high-quality services backed by SLAs and financial guarantees.
Throughout its time in the European market, Colobridge has earned a reputation as a trusted partner, fully immersing itself in business challenges, providing optimal solutions, and assisting in the implementation of complex infrastructure projects.

Our team of qualified specialists and personalized approach to each client form the foundation of fruitful, long-term partnerships.

During the cooperation, Colobridge GmbH has shown itself to be a reliable partner with deep competencies in the field of IT services. Individual approach to the client, flexibility and readiness for non-standard solutions distinguish Colobridge GmbH from other providers. We are pleased with our cooperation and recommend Colobridge GmbH to all our partners.

Yaroslav Tkachenko, Head of IT Support, StarLadder

The experience of cooperation with Colobridge gives confidence that technical support will solve any issue related to the functioning of our infrastructure.

Vladimir Kuzko, IT Director, Softlist LLC

Our company has been using the services of Colobridge GmbH for more than nine years. During this time, we have never had a question about the correct choice of provider. Colobridge gives no reason to doubt the quality of the services provided, the high level of SLA, as well as the undeniable professionalism of technical support and account managers.

Anton Vasiliev, Leading IT Specialist, JV Deka

While communicating with technical specialists and using the products on Colobridge platform, I never encountered any serious challenges or disagreements, and all routine issues were resolved as quickly as possible. It’s nice that the support team always offers several options for solving problems and goes the extra mile in looking for compromise solutions. We are currently fully content with our cooperation with this service provider – we got exactly what we wanted: a reliable service with qualified support and reasonable pricing.

Andrii Khehai IT Director at E-Hroshi